Computer Science
Tag 심화Computer Science/Front-End 2020. 8. 12. 23:29
📖 HTML TAG 심화 Created @Aug 6, 2020 7:24 PM Lesson Date @Aug 12, 2020 Status Complete Type LessonQuiz Reference Website The average web page The study data comes from 7.1 million index pages gathered from top twenty Google results, for about 30 million keywords. Head Tag Heading Tag 문서 내에 제목 표현 Paragraph Tag 단락 태그 Linebreak Tag : 단락 구분 Text Expres..
HTML TagComputer Science/Front-End 2020. 8. 11. 19:16
HTML TAG 심화 Created @Aug 6, 2020 7:24 PM Lesson Date @Aug 7, 2020 Status In Progress Type ExamLesson Reference Website The average web page The study data comes from 7.1 million index pages gathered from top twenty Google results, for about 30 million keywords. Head Tag Heading Tag 문서 내에 제목 표현 Paragraph Tag 단락 태그 Linebreak Tag : 단락 구분 Text Expres..